The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2023 is an American computer-animated adventure comedy film based on the Super Mario Bros. video game franchise. The film is directed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelnick and written by Matthew Fogel. It stars Chris Pratt as Mario, Charlie Day as Luigi, Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, Jack Black as Bowser, Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong, Keegan-Michael Key as Toad, Keegan-Michael Key as Kevin Michael Richardson as Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong. and Sebastian Maniscalco as Spike.
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Cast: Chris Pratt, Charlie Day, Anya Taylor-Joy, Jack Black, Seth Rogen, Keegan-Michael Key, Kevin Michael Richardson, Fred Armisen, Sebastian Maniscalco
Director: Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic
IMDb Rating: 7.1/10
Amazon Prime Video ₹399.00
Apple TVFrom ₹490.00Watch
YouTubeFrom ₹590.00Watch
Google Play Movies & TVFrom ₹590.00Watch
ZEE5 ₹349.00Watch
In theaters on April 5, 2023
Official Movie Trailer: To get a glimpse of the action-packed adventure that awaits in “The Super Mario Bros.”, check out the official movie trailer on YouTube.
The film follows Mario and Luigi as they embark on a quest to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser, who has kidnapped her and taken over the Mushroom Kingdom. Along the way, they must team up with various friends and foes to save the day.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2023 is a highly anticipated film, and has been praised for its star-studded cast and faithful adaptation of the video game series. The film is sure to be a hit amongst fans of all ages, and is sure to be a critical and commercial success.
Licensing and Franchise:
Hollywood movie “The Super Mario Bros.” Based on the popular video game franchise created by Nintendo. The film features the beloved characters, settings, and themes that fans of the games know and love. While the film takes creative liberties with the source material, it remains a unique and entertaining adaptation that captures the spirit of the games.
Note: Please keep in mind that the availability of the movie on streaming platforms and the IMDb rating might have changed since the article’s publication.